Monday, October 26, 2009


He is gone too soon

from our limelight,

our stages.

There is blood on the dance floor

with red footprints

that form a trail to the moon.

The man in the mirror failed

him, assailed him.

He listened to his lies;

he changed himself

to hurt himself.

And he did.

Or did we?

It’s human nature

to pursue perfection.

1 comment:

  1. Can you find the Michael Jackson song titles? There are four.

    I think the poem is fairly straightforward, citing Michael Jackson's preoccupation with perfection to wreak havoc on his life (and his face). But I can't help but believe the media is partly to blame, as are we for eating up the tabloids and news tid bits. And I think that's because we're obsessed with perfection as well.
