It is difficult to remember, as Janet pointed out, that Michael was family to you. For us he was an icon and a star. We spent years of our lives with his face lighting up our living rooms from the television set in the corner. He was always there, in the spotlight, shining as only he could. But for you, he was a son, a brother, a father. You knew him in ways the world could never, and especially for you am I truly sorry that he has gone.
Although we didn't know him as you did, we appreciated his life work. It changed some of us, and it healed others. His passing came too soon, but Maya Angelou was right when she wrote "we had him." We did. We had him for a short time. And we celebrate the life he lived while he was with us.
We hope your grieving is eased during the coming months, and we want you to know that you are in our thoughts and hearts. If there is anything we can do, tell us. God knows Michael did so much for us.
--The World
I've signed this letter as "The World" in honor of all of the humanitarian aid Michael donated during his lifetime, as well as the impact his music had outside the borders of the United States. He was an international super star.